Friday, November 12, 2010

Collage Update

 One more sitting should complete this piece

 Top left

 Bottom left

Bottom right

Top right 


Tuesday, November 9, 2010




Collage of me

Hawaiian flag, Bodyboarding, letters from my mother, girlfriend Courtney, beer bottle opener from Lovefest, Keone's (brother) hook necklace, beloved nephew Joshy, first paycheck, mail from home and the ocean.

Finally settled with this composition

Started with pencil, blocked in all items, added tone to the background, did some details

In progress, a few more sitting will do it

Sorry for overusing the commas

Worked on a few more items on the collage, really enjoying the process for this piece.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Quick studies

Courtney studying 18"x 24" pen and ink 11/10

A picture of pictures 18"x 24" pen and ink wash 11/10

Friday, November 5, 2010

Fingerprints of David

Close up

Day 2

Finally coming together, still much work to be done

Second attempt at fingerprints on a much larger scale, 38"x 56". Not sure how the hair on the face and head will come out. Ive been dreading it since I started this piece, still much work needs to be done.

Finally did the hair, a few more sessions should do the trick